The Baseball Road Trip Planner for 2021

The goal of is to simplify the planning of a baseball road trip. The biggest challenge of one of these trips is determining when the teams that you would like to see are home and in the order that you would like to see them.

To use, you simply put the teams in that you would like to see in the order that you would like to see them and select the range of dates when you would like to see them and the maximum number of days that you would like to spend on the trip, not including days before the first game or after the last. Advanced search options are available in case the search results are either too limited or none. The additional options are, match reverse trip and allow switching of nearby teams. Reverse trip checks to see if the teams can be seen in reverse order. Allow switching is a bit more complicated, but its purpose is to give more options. For example, if you were trying to see the Cubs, White Sox and Brewers in that order there may be no options, but since these teams are close, you can have baseball-roadtrip search all possible combinations of these three teams by checking the "allow switching" box. You may wind up seeing them in the following order: Cubs, Brewers and White Sox.

One other options is "days off", when you are selecting teams you can specify any number of "day off" between teams. This is useful if you are driving large distances between teams or are looking to take in some of the other local sights in a particular city.

Click here to begin planning your trip.